Suns Out Guns Out
fitcollectiveWP2019-07-17T08:39:30-08:00Suns Out Guns Out This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of [...]
Suns Out Guns Out This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of [...]
Tabata With Attitude This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of 20sec [...]
I WANNA TABATA This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of 20sec [...]
SWEATY AND SWOL This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of 20sec [...]
Lean Mean TABATA Machine This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of [...]
TABATA Finisher This workout is a TABATA interval set mixed with cardio drills. Start with exercise 1A and complete six rounds of 20sec work [...]
Sweaty TABATA This workout utilizes a TABATA format but then plugs in some extra cardio sessions. Start with exercise 1A. Repeat exercise 1A for [...]
Ode To The 20 Sec In this workout, you still start with a buy-in of 300 jump ropes. Then you will work your way [...]
I WANNA TABATA Perfrom each exercise for 20sec, then rest for 10sec, then repeat the same exercise for 20sec, rest for 10sec.... repeat this [...]