Round by Round
fitcollectiveWP2019-07-16T10:18:33-08:00Round By Round This workout is a ladder circuit starting at 10 reps and finishing at 1 rep per exercise. Start by performing 10 [...]
Round By Round This workout is a ladder circuit starting at 10 reps and finishing at 1 rep per exercise. Start by performing 10 [...]
RUN FOREST RUN This workout is all about building strength and aerobic capacity. Start the timer for five minutes to begin the workout. Perform [...]
En Fuego This workout is an alternating series of burnout and recovery exercises every minute. Start with the first exercise in set 1 and [...]
Beat The Clock Be your own hero in this set by completing 100 reps of the A exercise. Start your timer for 1 minute [...]
FLIP FLOP This workout is a series of alternating ladder supersets. Each superset contains 2 exercises which you will aternate back and forth. Start [...]
May 5-11, 2019 GOALS & RECIPES WORKOUT #1 WORKOUT #2 WORKOUT #3 [...]